First Responder Family Members:
The Behavioral Health Impacts of COVID-19
Jan 26
12 pm PST
Current family members of active
First Responders team up with
Behavioral Health Specialists to
provide an interactive discussion on
the impact COVID-19 has had on
the First Responder family.
Understand the impact the
additional stress, anxiety, fear and
trauma has on the wellbeing of the
Family System. Learn strategies
and tips for initiating conversations
around mental health and
substance use for any member of
the First Responder family. Learn
what resources are available to
assist family members in seeking
services for themselves and/or their
First Responder. Opportunity to
engage with Panel members to ask
questions or seek additional
First Responder:
The Behavioral Health Impacts of COVID-19
Jan 28
12 pm PST
Listen to an active discussion on
the impact COVID 19 has on the
Emotional and Behavioral Health of
First Responders. Understand how
behavioral health related concerns
impact work, family life and overall
well-being. Learn how to identify
signs that a First Responder, family
member or co-worker is
experiencing difficulty coping and
managing stress, anxiety, trauma
and burnout. Learn what you, your
family member or co-worker can do
to get confidential help.
Opportunity to engage with Panel
members to ask questions or seek
additional information.
Vulnerable Populations:
The Behavioral Health Impacts of COVID-19 on those First Responders Serve
Feb 3
12 pm PST
Listen to an active discussion on
what populations are at most risk in
your communities to experience a
greater impact as a result of
COVID-19. Learn about the
increase of Mental Health and
Substance Use Disorders and how
this may impact interactions with
these populations. Learn strategies
and tips for understanding and
interacting with these populations
to promote positive outcomes when
providing necessary and life
sustaining services. Opportunity to
engage with Panel members to ask
questions or seek additional